Craft With Your Stash Challenge

Towards the end of 2018 Jen from Craftic announced a new challenge….#CraftWithYourStash. For 2019, Jen pledged she would not purchase ANY new crafting supplies. ANY! Was she delirious? Maybe dehydrated? She can’t be serious, right?

It took for me to start digging into my craft room to realize maybe it was time I did the same. 1) Because my supplies were overflowing to the point that it was hard to navigate the room (hoarders style), and 2) because I had no idea what was hiding at the bottom of those piles. So for the past few weeks I put aside any sewing or crafting and started working away at the piles.

I discovered craft kits I didn’t realize I had, tools that (let’s be honest) I was never going to use, dozens of magazines I had never read, and fleece…..lots, and lots of fleece.

So, in 2019 I won’t be buying new craft supplies. Ok, disclaimer, I AM going to set aside $5 per month that I can spend on minor supplies if I need them to finish a project (gotta be realistic….like if I need a specific kind of glue, or I run out of something critical. NOT fleece.), but other than that, my projects must be made with items from my stash!

Who else will be participating in the #CraftWithYourStash challenge? Let me know in the comments, or share your projects using the hashtag on social media! Happy Crafting!

One thought on “Craft With Your Stash Challenge

  1. Jennifer says:

    Haha, that first paragraph! I wasn’t dehydrated lol. In the Fall, I went through some of my stickers to destash for an upcoming event. I think that’s when I really came to understand how much I had. I realized quickly that I was getting more than I was using! The $5 budget is a great idea. I had a $20 monthly budget last year but it turned into a bit of a slippery slope. I’m hoping if I run out of something, then I can just borrow it or maybe even come up with an alternative. We’ll see though. So excited for you to join the challenge. 🙂

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